Exceptional Athleticism for Women Athletes in Midlife and Beyond

MEET Mironda Meyer

Certified Dr. Stacy Sims-Women Are Not Small Men + NASM Personal Trainer + Precision Nutrition L2 Coach + FMS Certified & CrossFit L1 Trainer

Has this happened to you?

1- You've trained for months for your event and 3 weeks before the race you get sick or injured.

2- You're so stressed and tired but when you go to bed you're wide awake, can't sleep and wake up exhausted.

3- You're suffering from night sweats, hot flashes, gut distress, anxiety, depression and you're losing motivation to do the things you love.

You don't need to suffer through midlife. I can help you thrive and continue to have longevity in the sport you love and never DNS or DNF again.

Don't delay!!!

Apply  to work together

Going through menopause is no joke. Bloating and brain fog is happening daily, training and not seeing the results you want are all too common. The way our body responds to training, nutrition and lifting is very different than when we were in our 20s and 30s. Our physiology is different and we become more susceptible to injuries. This is what I show you in my NEW 16 week program, Exceptional Athleticism for Women Athletes in Midlife and Beyond. I'll show you how to prevent injuries so that you can have longevity in your sport. A few spots are left so don't wait. Apply now if this resonates with you.

Apply NOW→


>Fix Your Gut

>Strength Train for PRs

>Mindset Management

1- Fix Your Gut- that means consuming the right foods to repair the gut microbiome and improve brain function. When we repair the gut microbiome the result is you become an unstoppable athlete performing at your highest potential. Never DNS again due to sickness or injury.

2- Strength Train- Not only will it improve fitness, build muscle, build stronger bones-preventing stress fractures and broken bones- but more importantly, will prevent further injuries. This is EXTREMELY important so that we can perform at our highest level and attain longevity in our sport. And I'll show you exactly how to do that.

3- Mindset Management- Managing our mind will keep us from the self-sabotage that causes us to give up right before a huge breakthrough. Managing our mindset will make us an EXCEPTIONAL athlete and keep us in the sport we love into our 60s, 70s and beyond.

I had gained a lot of weight and had pretty much given up on myself after having a cycling accident that eventually led me to retire from racing and left me thinking that I'd never lose the extra weight after many failed attempts to get it off. Coach Mironda found me at the time I decided I needed to finally make some serious changes to live a happy and healthy life again...I learned a lot about myself and lost the weight and inches. "

Kathy Gagnon

New Hampshire

"Inspired by today's chat I tried on some pre-quarantine clothes Those shiny jeans I was afraid I'd have to get rid of? Had room in the thighs.

A fancy blouse and a trim jacket that I put in "the never will fit again but too proud to put in the 'will donate' bin? The arms fit and I could actually wear it!!" The blouse fit better than the last time I wore it. I'm amazed!!


Traci D'Elia



What Makes Me Different As a Coach to Women Athletes

Education and twenty years of experience is what separates me from the thousands of other coaches out there—and more importantly—what allows me to be an effective coach to you. I'm active and compete just like you and know from experience what it is like to be a midlife athlete. I wish I knew then what I know now and I want you to be educated too. Join me for 16 weeks and get the transformation you deserve. Apply below.


  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition L2 Coach
  • Certified Women Are Not Small Men-Dr Stacy Sims
  • Certified Corrective Exercise Spec.
  • Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist